Name: Stereomicroscope
Description: Leica M125 stereomicroscope with resolution of 432Lp / mm and 12.5: 1 manual zoom system.
Multi-user: yes (x) no ()
Location: Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation, ICB / UFPA
Pieces of Equipment: 1
Other Information: These stereomicroscopes have an increase of up to 125 times, which allows the analysis of small structures (e.g.: insect larvae and fish structures). The M125 magnifier can use existing accessories that were purchased for the Leica M205A Loupe (clear camera, 0.5x and 2x lenses, metering reticle and image capture equipment). The microscopy equipment remains available for public use at the Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation at the Biological Sciences Institute of the Federal University of Pará, Guamá campus. The image capture system allows the capture of images directly from the microscope and the computer programs that accompany the equipment allow the image processing and measurement of the material (linear and area measurements) with direct marking on the captured image.